Sunday, November 29, 2009

Twilight Takes Charge

Stephenie Meyer's best-selling Twilght Saga has taken over Hollywood. The second installment in this wonderful saga, New Moon, just recently hit theaters and was a smashing success. Not only did the Twilight books become best sellers but the movies are following close behind as well as plenty of merchandise to go along with them. Teenage girls (and some guys) find themselves mesmerized by the fantasy world on the big screen and are eating up the Twilight Saga like a delicious piece of chocolate cake.

One of the underlying things about the author of the Twilight series is that Stephenie Meyer is Mormon. You wouldn't know it by reading the books or seeing the movies but that actually has played a big part in her series. The fact that Edward and Bella get married before they have sex and how none of the characters ever do anything besides kiss in the series are just a few little things among the series that show this.

Not only is that one way that Twilight is affecting people's morals but other things also have influence over people. For example, not only is Twilight a book series but now it is also a movie series and that has caused a spin-off of merchandise sold in stores and other books based off the Twilight books and even the soundtracks to the movies have made some less known bands more popular. It is also believed that the strong reaction towards Twilight has made the Vampire trend much more popular and have a comeback in these recent years.

At this rate it's no wonder why Twilight is taking charge!


  1. It's ridiculous how much control and input Twilight has in marketing! I did not no she was mormon but i suppose that would explain the love triangle, eh?

  2. I think everybody posted something about Twilight/New Moon

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I read a couple of years ago that the author fought to keep the story in a smaller, independent studio so she could control more of the screenplay. I imagine that the love scenes and love stories would be a lot different if it was produced by a major studio like Paramount or Fox. It doesn't matter if she was a Mormon, Lutheran, Muslim or Jew. it's a story with stronger morals than most and I think it's admirable that the author fights to keep it that way.

    I also think it's good that an independent studio gets all this money from a series of movies (in the same way that Lord of The Rings did). It shows that you don't always have to go through the big conglomerates and sometimes the little guys outshine the deep pocket corporations.
