Monday, November 30, 2009

How Gossip Girls Communicate

One of the biggest tv shows to hit the CW in the past few years has been Gossip Girl. The show is about teens growing up in New York on the Upper East Side. The show has all of the hottest fashions, trends, and luxeries that any teenager watching the show will be envious of.

Since this show already has influence over the way teens, watching the show, dress, act and talk it was very important for cell phone companies to get their phones advertised on the show.

The company that won out was Verizon wireless and now you can turn on your tv every monday and see your favorite Gossip Girl characters talking on their Verizon Wireless cell phones. And since the main focus of the show is about an anonymus person called Gossip Girl who mass texts all of the teens every time something scandalous happens, the cell phones are the main point of the show. Now when teens want to be like their favorite characters all they have to do is get a Verizon Wireless phone. Oh, and maybe an outfit valued at $1000 would help them out as well.


  1. This is the first time I hear that they were using Verizon Wireless. I do watch the show, but maybe they did not make too big of a comercial that I know of to promote that company.

  2. This show is quite popular, especially with young people. The show is quite technology based too. It is about the spreading of gossip through differnt medias(i.e. cell phones, internet). I think it was smart of Verizon to get in on this show.

  3. I am so glad you wrote about this because I had been thinking about it lately. The way they show those phones is crazy. I have always wanted the phone Blair had for a few episodes. Did anyone else notice how they keep changing phones? I wish I had enough money to change my phone constantly.
